Tuesday, 23 February 2010

What can I say about yesterday...

...that won't be heartbreakingly sad or nostalgic (as thoughts of remembered yesterdays tend to be), and will be in no relation whatsoever to the Beatles song?

Yesterday, we shot a film.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

A slow note on sadness on a rainy day


WHEN we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.

Monday, 15 February 2010

An unrelated note on passion, strangeness and sadness

In your room, your burning eyes
Cause flames to arise.
Will you let the fire die down soon,
Or will I always be here?

Saturday, 13 February 2010

On what we (should) talk about when we talk of cinema

Sometimes the best, most interesting ideas come to us when we least expect them...

Yesterday, I met up with a stranger, but one who I share interests common enough to make our ways cross at some point – and our ‘point’ was a place near my home, one of those far-from-the-city, slowed down locations where you don’t expect much to happen, and certainly don’t believe you could find much there but maybe some good coffee...We were to talk of work, but as soon as we came close enough to say 'hello' without yelling, we started chatting randomly, as if to try out the territory we will –in just moments, and without any way to go back unharmed - be stepping on and make sure that it’s no marshlands, or a frightening dark forest. And somehow, through the storms of words and expressions we poured onto each other, a melody of conversation developed around a topic completely unexpected: what one should speak of when one speaks about film.

On life

...morning chaos, eternity chaos, noon chaos, eternity chaos, evening chaos, eternity chaos, midnight chaos, eternity chaos, morning chaos...

Julien Donkey-Boy (Harmony Korine, 1999)

(there are many things predictable and repetitive about me, and my love for 'Julien' is certainly one of them...but about 'Julien', there is very little predictability...)

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Thinking about sadness, sadness, sadness...Nicolas Winding Refn and father-son relationships in contemporary cinema. All the things about which we should talk more, yet we so rarely do...

...but luckily, there is time for everything, right?

And what are you celebrating on the 14th?


You should celebrate it every day, not think of it only once a year...

Can you celebrate talent, for a change? Promise, no red roses or heart-shaped boxes (and candies) needed...

Blank, the 'film incubator', or simply a place where people with interest in cinema like to gather, has a special place in my heart – but for now, why that is so shall remain a bit of a secret. What should not be a secret is that on Sunday, February the 14th, at exactly 20:00 hours, they are holding a public screening of their latest production of short films – including the new one by Dario Juričan, whose 'Grand Prix' has gone into my little black film notebook as 'that film with the prettiest clouds ever shot!' (Dario, if you ever get to read this – it's the truth....OK, aside from maybe Tykwer's 'Heaven', or 'Days of Heaven'...). There will be real angels present, an exhibition opening an hour before, a cute little concert and – as the story usually goes – a bit of drinking and partying too. And for those who are curious, but are still not sure whether to go or not, here’s a link to my second-favourite of Blank-produced films: ‘Pekmez/Jam’ by Jura Troje. What do you say now?

Oh, and the location? Cinema Tuškanac, one of the most gorgeous cinemas in town, and my second home for a long year or two of my student days...

But, but...what about love?

Well, you never know what might happen in the dark of the matinee (sorry, I know that's not funny, but I just had to). But even if nothing out of the ordinary takes place, there are still many days left for celebrating the beauty of human emotions...Valentine’s Day is overrated anyway – any day of the week will do just as well...

Yet art is so much more than just cinema...

R.I.P Alexander McQueen
one of the rare real heroes of our time...

On politics

"Politics is the art of controlling your environment."
Hunter S. Thompson

(no, not yet turning this into a political blog, tho I am getting a strong urge to; just saw Alex Gibney's “Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson“, and I felt like it deserved a recommendation. And yes, a confrontation with Thompson made me feel overly polite somehow – but I guess not everyone can be a proper Gonzo after all...)